Company NPP “Akvatok” – leading design manufacturer for aquaculture organizations. Expirience in collaboration with such a big companies like “Lososevy Riborazvodny Zavod” lets it offer high quality engineering solutions for any organization.
Company “OOO GK Sapfir” («ООО ГК Сапфир»)
Company “OOO GK Sapfir” more then 14 years works on the car cosmetics market, and cosmetics chemistry, and automobile accessories. It has more then 30 factories in Russia, Chech Republic, Germany, Canada, USA, and China, that produces high quality certified products.
Company “OOO “Krasnoe Ekho”
Company “Krasnoe Ekho” (town Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir region) produces typical and exclusive glass bottles and containers for all sorts of products: juices, milk, honey, jam, kids food etc. Also company makes preforms of alloyed and cast iron, for glass containers production.
Company “Impuls Grupp” (ООО «Импульс Групп»)
For several years company “Impuls Grupp” successfully sales equipment and components for milk, vine, beer production by world wide known manufacturers like VELO, S.p.A., IMPIANTINOX S.r.L., SFOGGIAtech etc.
Company Alliance Healthcare Russia
Alliance Healthcare Russia – is large network of European brand Alliance Boots – leader in manufacturing of beauty and healthcare products. It has subsidiaries in more then 50 Russian regions.
Holding “Privat Treid” (Shopping club
Company “Privat Treid” (shopping club – is one of the biggest company, which works on the virtual shopping market. Closed shopping club annually attracts more then 10 thousands of new brands for members of community.
Topkon Positioning Systems (ООО «Топкон Позишионинг Системс»)
One of the leading manufacturers of measurers of all kinds. Having modern advanced technologies that matches all the standards also company Topkon Positioning Systems to make meters of highest quality.
Concern Adidas
Legendary German company Adidas, for many years is setting standards in sportswear, and accessories.
Company Johnson Controls
For years company Johnson Controls supplies automobile electronics, and all sort of engineering systems. The company has more then 100 years history behind.
Company Samsung Electronics
Samsung has more then 70 years of leadership in manufacturing of electronics. By the year 2020 it intends to enroll the top five world largest brands. Flylink performed all works on design and mounting of SCS and wireless on territory of plant “Samsung Electronics RUS Kaluga” (SERK) located in Kaluga region. Nowadays 100% of TVs and monitors sold in Russia is manufactured there.
Trade Center “Alvisa” (ООО «Торговый Дом «Алвиса»)
Trade center “Alvisa” is part of Group of companies “Alvisa” and is one of the largest distributor of cognacs, vermouths, and wines, and contains three manufacturers “Mineralovodsky Zavod Vinogranikh Vin” («ООО «Минераловодский завод виноградных вин»), Stavropolsky Vinno-konjachny Zavod (ЗАО «Ставропольский винно-коньячный завод») and “Alcoholes Vinos C A” (Spain)
Company “Uhrenholt-Logistics” (ООО «Уренхольт-логистикс»)
Company “Uhrenholt-Logistics” – is part of Danish holding Uhrenholt – exclusive supplier of seafood and meats dairy products to hotels, restaurants and retail networks.
Company “Severstal-infokom” («ОАО «Северсталь-инфоком»)
Company “Severstal-infokom” – team of experts in IT and communication technologies. Its aim is to provide best high-tech service.
Company Alliance Healthcare Russia
Alliance Healthcare Russia – is large network of European brand Alliance Boots – leader in manufacturing of beauty and healthcare products. It has subsidiaries in more then 50 Russian regions.
Savage – is the only brand that is able to offer its customers the widest range of high quality clothes, and accessories of modern design and style.
Complex security systems - CCTV installation (video surveillance) and access control systems will improve the efficiency of a warehouse, cottage, office shop and other sectors of business.