The installation of a structured cabling network for the company "R-Style" (Ýð-Ñòàéë)
The company R-Style invited our experts as subcontractors for the implementation of the project of SCS. The works were carried out in the premises of a bank in Moscow.
Construction of SCS in warehouses East Branch of PEC (ÏÝÊ)
The work with the customer - the company PEC. We are currently building a project of SCS in the eastern branch of the company.
Creating a cable routes for «Thematica (Òåìàòèêà)» and "The International Library of digital rights" (the company "Intellect" (Èíòåëëåêò))
Reached the end of construction of cable systems and audits of electrical networks for the offices of the two companies, "Subject" and "The International Library of digital rights." The works were carried out on 2 and 3 floors of the business center. Upon completion of the project, the client, received ready-to-use systems received a complete set of design documents.
Construction and commissioning of air traffic control systems for IR "EnergoMax Generation"
Our professionals have completed the dismantling, installation and commissioning of the equipment of the dispatch information complex of two mobile gas turbine power plants. The works were produced in the city of Dmitrov, Moscow region.
The work of "Flylink" with regular customers
A lot of companies who prefer impeccable quality services in the field of system integration, choose the company «Flaylink" as a permanent business partner. So, in addition to new projects, in February and April, our specialists have carried out several works for longtime customers - is, in particular, DSZ "Udarnitsa", "Besant," ABC "Insight", "Beautiful Land" and KupiVip.
Laying of structured cabling and power supply networks of highways for "Rusaviainter"
Finished the construction of the SCS and power supply networks in the office of "Rusaviainter." The works were produced in the business center and the office.
Organization of security systems for "Kupishouse" (ÊóïèØóç)
Completed the implementation of a large-scale project to create a system of video monitoring and alarm systems for "Kupishuz." The works were produced in the company’s warehouse, located on the airport Bykovo and completed in accordance with the terms outlined in the contract.
Installing the controller and other equipment for Business Center "Insight" (Èíñàéò)
The specialists of our company have completed the project to expand the existing plant on ABC Insight system access control. For the implementation of the project has been selected ACS Kodos based on Elsys controllers. The works were carried out at the business center Arbat.
Installing the fiber for "Digital Centre ION"
Implemented project of fiber-optic lines for "ION Digital Center." The need for a fiber optic link has arisen in accordance with the opening of a new office in the office and shopping center «East Gate».
Setup and maintenance of access control for TD "Agrotorg" ("Russian Agricultural Bank")
Completed repairs and tuning software for the existing system of access control to our long-standing business partners - a subsidiary of "Russian Agricultural Bank" TD "Agrotorg."
Modernization of security systems for the company "Russian Business Systems"
The new order is performed by our company for the "Russian Business Systems" - as part of the modernization of the existing access control system at the plant was installed radio-controlled door opening button in the office of the CEO.
Replacing the video monitoring system for the company "Marr Russia» (Ìàðð Ðóññèÿ)
Completed project to upgrade surveillance system in the enterprise, "Marr Russia». Within the framework of an analog video surveillance has been replaced by an IP-based.
Replacing the phone system and a structured network for the company "AlyuTerra" (ÀëþÒåððà)
The work with "AlyuTerra" - our specialists replaced the existing telephony – rewiring of sockets of telephone network to the new patch panels, as well as the connection of two SCS on different floors in a single network.
Extension of protection for the enterprise "Urenholt Logistics" (Óðåíõîëüò Ëîãèñòèêñ)
Integrated project for "Urenholt Logistics" has been successfully completed by our experts. As part of the contract work was done to expand the existing enterprise security equipment - CCTV, access control and alarm systems.
Recovery of video surveillance equipment for the cinema "Baku" (Áàêó)
Our experts have been invited for the repair of damaged CCTV in the Capital Theater "Baku". As part of the reconstruction has been extended depth video archives, as the alarm system was added.
Expanding access control for "KupiVip" (ÊóïèÂèï)
The company "KupiVip", which is our regular customers, again asked for the project to expand the existing plant automation control systems and access control. The project was successfully completed by our employees in the scheduled time.
Certification of cabling system for the company Realkraft (Ðåàëêðàôò)
Our employees performed work on the certification of existing cabling in the office of the construction company Realkraft in the Vladimir region (Voskresenskoe). Certification was carried out on a category 5e cable with a cable tester is the last generation. Tested SCS contains 84 ports.
Advancing traditional and wireless cable routes for the holding company "Alliance-Healthcare Rus"
Completed another project for our regular customers - pharmaceutical company Alliance Helskea. Our specialists have organized a wireless Wi-Fi network and SCS in the new warehouse company in Pechatniki metro station.
Cabling system for Moscow secondary school ¹ 209
The work on the creation of a structured cabling system for 3 ports and 2 sockets in the room school ¹ 209 in Moscow, located in Perovo metro station.
Design links for the Administration of Moscow Metro
The specialists of our company have completed the design of the LAN between the automatic system health monitoring (ASMK) at health facilities and lockers management information system (MIS) of the central nodes in the Moscow metro. It is planned that will bring together 10 local area network designed subway stations, including Arbatskaya, Timirjazevskaja, Kashirskaya, Kievskaya, Park Kultury, Sokolniki, etc. and increase the efficiency of data processing for a medical examination of drivers before going to shift.
Organization of cable networks for the company "Pramet" (Ïðàìåò)
Our professionals have completed the implementation of SCS of 80 ports for the Moscow office of the Czech company "Pramet." In particular, were produced termination patch panels, installation of sockets, marking the network equipment, testing for compliance with the copper pair Category 5e.
Laying of structured cabling for a network of city restaurants "Etaj" (Ýòàæ)
On the territory of one of the points of restaurant chain "Floor" in Novogireevo (TC "Shangal"), our specialists have made laying the cable infrastructure (SCS).
Create an information network infrastructure for the object of UCS
Cable network for 100 ports was built by our experts for a network known quick service restaurants, under maintenance of UCS and located at the Mayakovskaya Metro Station.
Repair of structured cabling infrastructure for the company R-Style
The specialists of "Flylink" have repaired the structured cabling infrastructure of bank in the center of Moscow, that is under maintenance company R-Style. SCS segment, which has been renovated, was responsible for the accuracy of the information output on the scoreboard in exchange rates. The fault lines emerged due to winter weather that caused the cable to freezing.
Laying of fiber-optic backbone for JSC "Moscow Coffee House on an equal footing" (Ìîñêîâñêàÿ êîôåéíÿ íà ïàÿõú)
A project fiber optic line total length of 600 meters for the organization of a local computer network between the four production buildings of "Ìîñêîâñêàÿ êîôåéíÿ íà ïàÿõú", located in the village Tuchkovo (Moscow reg.). Also was installed network equipment.
The organization of fiber optic cable lines in Moscow's Domodedovo airport (Äîìîäåäîâî)
A project of creating a fiber-optic line with total length of 300 meters for the refueling station of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport. Advancing the FOL was made to connect the storage of fuel and lubricants to the administrative building.
Fusion Splicers for the company "Electrostroy" (Ýëåêòðîñòðîé)
The work on the termination of fiber optic cable, optical multi-story facility of customer. Total produced was more than 200 welds. Our specialists also performed extensive testing of optical lines.
Project of comlex security systems for company UK “RVM Kapital” (ÓÊ «ÐÂÌ Êàïèòàë»)
Exerts of FlyLink Company continues to work on development of complex security systems for UK “RVM Kapital”. Mounting of access control, fire alarm systems and CCTV is being performed.
Wireless system for company “Konsid Reshenya”
Completed project of Wi-Fi systems on the warehouse of company “Konsid Reshenya”, located in the town Pavlovsky Posad Moscow region.
Test and repair of telephony for company UCS
Our experts has finished test and repair of telephony network for company UCS. This was performed in one of world wide known fast food restaurant network on town Odintsovo, Moscow region.
Optic Fiber Welding for company “Akvatok”
Our experts performed optic fiber welding for “OOO “NPP Akvatok”. It is located in the Southern Tower in center “Moskva-Siti”
Equipment repair for “TD “Volkonsky”
FlyLink experts completed repair of access control system in cafe of trade center “TD “Volkonsky".
Structured cable systems for Samsung
Completed design of SCS for company “Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga”. Located in Kaluga region Industrial Park “Vorsino”.
Access Control System for company “Sitronics Microelektronika”
Completed design of access control system between buildings of plant “Sitronics Mikroelektronika” in Zelenograd, Moscow region.
Cable system and Access control system for company «Baltinvestbank» («Áàëòèíâåñòáàíê»)
FlyLink Company completed installation in new office of «Baltinvestbank». According to agreement, our experts layed cable system of copper cable, and installed access control system.
Cable network for «KM19» Nightclub
Completed installation of cable system based on ordinary copper cable for nightclub «Kuznetsky Most 19»
Mounting of Fiber Optic lines for confectionary «Udarnitsa» («Óäàðíèöà»)
Our experts finished mounting of Fiber optic lines between buildings of manufacture «Udarnitsa»
Cable System design and Powering Installation for “Adgilent Technologies” («Àäæèëåíò Òåõíîëîäæèñ»)
FlyLink completed laying additional SCS lines, installation of Wireless network and powering for company “Adgilent Technologies”)
SCS and powering network for company LLC “Sapfir” («ÎÎÎ «ÃÊ Ñàïôèð»)
Completed works on object that belongs to company Sapfir. It included SCS and powering network installation.
Security Systems for LLC “Russkie Biznes Sistemi” (ÎÎÎ «ÐÓññêèå Áèçíåñ Ñèñòåìû»)
Completed design of security systems for company “Russkie Biznes Sistemi”. Accosring to agreement, there were access control system built and CCTV.
Installation of SCS and Fiber Optic Systems for LLC “SAMP K” (ÎÎÎ «ÑÀÌÏ Ê»)
Under tough schedule FlyLink finished installation of SCS, anf fiber optic systems for company “SAMP K”
Cable Systems for Adidas
On the Aug 10th our experts finished work in the warehouses that belongs to company Adidas, located nearby Klimovsk. We refurbished existing structured cable system, and installed Wi-Fi, based on Cisco equipment, to provide the best coverage for all warehouses territory.
Design and installation for shopping club KupiVip
FlyLink team works on the warehouse of company KupiVip.ru. According to agreement we build access control systems, security alarm, Wi-Fi systems, and installation of active equipment of IP CCTV. The total area of the warehouse os 20000 sqm.
Audition and technical support for complex security systems of LLC “Impulse Group” («ÎÎÎ «Èìïóëüñ Ãðóïï»)
Experts of FlyLink company has performed complete audition of security and fire alarm systems, based on BOLID (ÁÎËÈÄ) technology, and also performs technical support for access control system based on KODOS (ÊÎÄÎÑ) technology.
Technical Support Agreement of Access Control System with LLC «Impuls» («ÎÎÎ «Èìïóëüñ»)
In August Flylink and LLC “Impuls” have signed long term agreement for technical support for access control system. According to that support of customer’s access control system is completely belongs to us, starting from August!
Access Control System and System Integration for “Privat Trade” («Ïðèâàò Òðåéä»)
Our experts successfuly finished works on object, belongs to «Privat Trade» (shopping club KupiVip.ru), located in town of Klimovsk, Moscow region.
Customer received complete access control system, CCTV, and wireless network, based on Wi-Fi equipment. Also our experts installed there sacurity equipment, and uninterrupted powering systems.
Cable systems for LLC “Topkon Positioning Systems” (ÎÎÎ «Òîïêîí Ïîçèùèîíèíã Ñèñòåìñ»)
Flylink Company completed installation on the object that belongs to LLC “Topkon Positioning Systems”
According to agreement, we made SCS mounting, and powering network installation.
Cable Systems for company Alliance Healthcare Russia
We continue collaboration with company Alliance Healthcare Russia (Àëüÿíñ Õåëñêåà Ðóñ). And our experts successfully finished SCS, and Fiber optic systems design.
Fiber Optics System Design for “Klyazminskoe Vodokhranilishe” («Êëÿçüìèíñêîå âîäîõðàíèëèùå»)
Last week FlyLink compnay completed project of design and mounting Fiber optics System. The customer was an elite cottage township on the territory of pension “Klyazminskoe Vodokhranilishe”.
We made design and project, mounting, validation, and commissioning. Each house get its own optic line.
With help of this system there will be Internet, TV, telephony, and security systems provided.
Ensuring of hardware and software compatibility of access control system for company “Meditsina” («ÎÀÎ «Ìåäèöèíà»)
On the 5th of Jul of experts finished the process of hardware link of access control systems of different types, that were installed in OSC Meditsina. Also there was completed process regarding link existing access control system, with future system.
Wireless network for company GROUP ST
On the 19th Jul, our experts completed building of wireless system, based on Wi-Fi technologies. Our customer this time was company GROUP ST (Moscow). The new WMS will be based on this system.
SCS for company “Azimut” («Àçèìóò»)
On the Jul. 27th our team completed SCS introduction for company «Azimut». SCS was delivered in office rooms of our customer.
FlyLink continues cooperation with company “Shopping Gid” («Øîïïèíã Ãèä»)
On the 31th May Flylink finished building of SCS for Shopping Gid. All stages were completed right in time. Structured cable system was completely designed by our experts.
SCS and Fiber Optic Lines for Johnson Controls
On the 21th April Flylink has started to build SCS and Fiber optic lines for the company Johnson Controls.
Completion of SCS and Wi-Fi for Samsung Electronics
On the 20th April our experts completed building of structured cable systems and industrial Wi-Fi for plant Samsung Electronics, that is located in Kaluga region. This network will be the base for future automatic warehouse management system “Manhattan Associates”
Finished mounting of CCTV, access control systems and security alarm systems for Moskovsky Industrialny Mank («Ìîñêîâñêèé Èíäóñòðèàëüíûé Áàíê»)
On the 29th May we completed mounting of CCTV, access control systems and security alarm. Our customer in this case is well known bank “Moskovsky Industrialny Bank” (ÎÀÎ «ÌÈíÁ»)
SCS and powering for company “Mango Telekom” («Ìàíãî Òåëåêîì»)
On the 26th May our experts completed mounting of structured cable system and powering network in head office of “Mango Telekom”
Completed SCS installation for “Rostelekom” («Ðîñòåëåêîì»)
On the 16th May FlyLink completed installation of SCS for 40 access ports in boutiques of outlet located in Novogireevo. It was made according to request of Rostelekom.
Access Control Systems and security systems for “Agrotorg” («ÒÄ «Àãðîòîðã»)
FlyLink Compnay was invited by LLC “Torgovy Dom “Agrotorg” (branch of OSC “Rosselkhozbank” ( ÎÀÎ «Ðîññåëüõîçáàíê») to design and install access control systems and complex security system in 3 flour office of the company. We have made everything right in time and customer was completely satisfied.
Completed SCS and Wireless network for “Rosselkhozbank” («ÎÀÎ «Ðîññåëüõîçáàíê»)
FlyLink experts completed SCS and wireless system installation for “Rosselkhozbank”, located in the hearth of Moscow – nearby Arbatskaya metro station. During the process there were SCS mounting and wireless access ports and Wi-Fi sensors in conference halls and rooms made.
Completed outdoor lightning in trade center “Barvikha Luxury Village” («Áàðâèõà Ëàêøóðè Âèëëàäæ»)
FlyLink was choosen by administration of trade center “Barvikha Luxury Village” to perform works regarding developing outdoor lightning systems. Our experts performed all necessary measurements, to confirm accordance to the state standards, and successfully completed this mission.
Lightning panels mounting for LLC “Ultimatum Grup” («ÎÎÎ «Óëüòèìàòóì Ãðóï Ìîñêâà»)
Our experts completed installation of 8 lightning panels for outdoor lightning. To increase efficiency and control functions each panel was equipped with automation system. Everything was done in time. Customer needs were completely satisfied.
Installations on the warehouses of “Urenholt-Logistics” («Óðåíõîëüò-ëîãèñòèêñ»)
On spring FlyLink company completed mounting industrial Wi-Fi systems, Fiber optic lines, and access control cyctems for warehouses of “Urenholt-Logistics” company, that are located in Chekhov (Moscow region)
Design and technical maintenance of wireless networks on warehouse of company “Marr Russia” («Ìàðð Ðóññèÿ»)
In October 2011 FlyLink company started work, according to agreement for technical maintenance of cable network and equipment in warehouses of “Marr Russia”, total area is more then 40,000 sqm. Moreover, our experts installed additional SCS and wireless systems.
SCS renovation in office of “Promsvyazbank” (ÎÀÎ «Ïðîìñâÿçüáàíê») (branch “Stromynka” («Ñòðîìûíêà»)
Completed renovation of structured cable system in Stromynka office of Promsvyazbank. Customer received completely renovated SCS that matches all customer’s needs and modern standards.
Validation of Structured Cable System in office of Lufthansa company
Our experts performed validation of SCS for 5e category in Moscow office of Lufthansa. SCS have about 250 access ports. We used professional analyzer Fluke DTX 1800 – high precision device of last generation. Customer received full set of documentary confirming that its SCS matches all World standards.
Mounting of wireless network in cottage township “Kapitan-Klub” («Êàïèòàí-Êëóá») Tula region
Completed works on development the wireless network of industrial size in cottage township Kapitan.
According to agreement and design all works were finished in time, and of highest quality, like we usually do. As a result customer received full-scale wireless network for more then 150 houses.
Mounting and validation of SCS and Data processing center for “Marins Grupp” («Ìàðèíñ Ãðóïï»)
FlyLink experts completed works of implementation of SCS and Data processing center on the film studio, that belongs to “Marins Grupp”.
According to agreement we mounted structured cable system and validated it for 5e and 6 categories, and introduced data processing center for 5 racks. All works were completed according to schedule and high estimated by customer.
SCS and powering network renovation for company Shopping Guide “Ya Pokupau” («ß Ïîêóïàþ»)
We finished renovation of SCS and powering network in Moscow branch of company Shopping Guide (Yekaterinburg). Also our experts installed additional rack, connected to main line. Our customer was completely satisfied.
FlyLink works on SCS and powering network for company “Utkonos” («Óòêîíîñ»)
Now FlyLink company is working on project and has already started laying cables for SCS, and powering networks in warehouses of company “Utkonos”. All of warehouse equipment and cash machines will be operated via this SCS.
FlyLink have won tender for 1 year of technical support of Access control system and security alarm of “MInB” («Ìîñêîâñêèé Èíäóñòðèàëüíûé Áàíê»)
Our experts have started to perform technical support of access control systems and security alarm systems in office of Moscow Industrial Bank (ÎÀÎ «ÌÈíÁ»). Access control system and security alarm is based on equipment of KODOS (ÊÎÄÎÑ) – wide known mark on the market of security systems, that started in 1996 by Russian manufacturing complex SoyuzSpetsAvtomatika (ÑîþçÑïåöÀâòîìàòèêà). On last autumn we gained status of authorizes installers of KODOS equipment.
SCS Installation in Moscow Dashkova’s Institute
Our experts were invited by administration of Moscow Humanitarian Dashkova’s Institute to install structured cable system between lecture rooms.
According to agreement we have made cable channels, mounted cable lines, patch panels, and other equipment. Upon completion customer was provided with working network, and all cover documentation.
Installation of fiber optic lines and telephony for “TAVR” («ÇÀÎ «ÒÀÂл)
FlyLink’s experts completed their work on project of laying of 2 fiber optic lines and one telephony line on the territory of ZAO “TAVR” Moscow region village Anikovo.
Fiber Optic Lines, and Wi-Fi systems in the warehouses of trading company “Alvisa” («Àëâèñà»)
We have completed introduction of fiber optic system for 12 access ports in the warehouses of trading company Alvisa.
It is necessary to have wireless system, that is needed to drive warehouse management system (WMS). Total area is about 14000 sqm. We have made it in 4 days!
Installation of SCS and Fiber optic lines in psychoneurological hospital ¹8 of Solovjov («Êëèíèêà íåâðîçîâ»)
Administration of special psychoneurological hospital ¹8 by Solovjov have choosen our company to perform the following: Renovation of existing SCS and installation of new SCS, introduction of servers room, racks, connection of 8 buildings into one network by fiber optic lines, installation of passive and active equipment.
Relocation of two patch racks in main office of OAO Severstal-infokom («Ñåâåðñòàëü-èíôîêîì»)
Completed relocation of two patch racks in office of Severstal-ingokom. Also our experts have performed the following: installation of server room, relocation of passive SCS equipment (approximately 400 ports), relocation of passive fber optic system components, relocation of UPS’s and redundant power supplies, installation and setting of active equipment, validation of SCS for 5e, 6 and 7 categories.
FlyLink company gained new status.
November 201 was very important for us, we gained the status of official installer of KODOS production, that has been confirmed by Certificate.
KODOS – is an upmarket manufacturer of security systems from year of 1996 by company SoyuzSpetsAvtomatika («ÑîþçÑïåöÀâòîìàòèêà»). Thanks to wide product range, innovation technologies, user friendly and easy to use KODOS is recognized leader on the market of security systems.
Security infrastructures for company “Krasivaya Zemlya” («Êðàñèâàÿ çåìëÿ»)
Company “Krasivaya zemlya” is leader on the market for land in Moscow suburbs and in Kaluga region.
We installed and set access control system and CCTV in their office.
Warehouse of Alliance Healthcare Russia – complex design
We designed and made data processing center in the warehouses of Alliance healthcare Russia, located in Klimovsk.
Also there was installed warehouse equipment that can be operated and controlled via radio signals and by bar coding system, this allows to increase total efficiency significantly.
Powering network for company Savage
Our experts designed and made powering network on the warehouse of company Savage, located in Krekshino.
Complex installation on warehouse of company “Luch” («ÎÎÎ «Ëó÷»)
On the territory of Moscow Brewery Company for our customer, company Luch we have mounted Wi-Fi system, based on Motorola equipment. Our job was high estimated by customer.
Warehouse environment for company “Inform BC” («Èíôîðì ÂÑ»)
WMS for warehouse of Inform BC was based on Motorola and Allied Telesis equipment.
Completed installation of Bluetooth equipment on the warehouse of “Zentr Vnedreniya “Protek” (ÇÀÎ «Öåíòð âíåäðåíèÿ «Ïðîòåê»)
We provided loading machines of warehouses of Zentr vnedreniya Protek with wireless equipment.
“Zentr Vnedreniya “Protek”, introduction of Bluetooth equipment onto the warehouse loading machines
According to agreement we have started to install wireless Bluetooth based equipment onto the loading machines (still running)
Bluetooth based equipment for the wrehouse loading machines for company “Protek”
We have signed the agreement regarding installation of Bluetooth based equipment onto the warehouse loading machines of Company “Protek”
Cable structures for company “Granoil” (ÎÎÎ «Ãðàíîéë»)
In tough schedule we have mounted SCS and fiber optics in office of company “Granoil”.
Bakery “Bulange” (ÎÎÎ «Áóëàíæå»)
Access control system and working hours registration system for bakery “Bulange”.
Networks for warehouses complex of company for company “PNK-2” (ÎÎÎ «ÏÍÊ-2»)
We have completed project of SCS, fiber optic lines, Wi-Fi, and powering networks in offices of warehouse complex “Chekhov” of company PNK-2
Wireless systems for company “Torgovy Dom Servistorg” (ÎÎÎ «Òîðãîâûé Äîì Ñåðâèñòîðã»)
We have made wireless radio network, based on Cisco equipment for company “Torgovy Dom Servistorg”
Complex works on Hotel-ship “Brandvakhta 745” for “Marins Grupp” Union.
We are happy to inform you that we have signed an agreement regarding creation on the hotel-ship “Brandvakhta 745” that belongs to “Marins Grupp” Union, Wi-Fi network, satellite TV, and system of home theatres.
Dial System for “StroyInvestInginiring SU848” («Ñòðîé ÈíâåñòÈíæèíèðèíã ÑÓ 848»)
We have completed renovation and commissioning of office dial system for company “StroyInvestInginiring SU 848”
Access Control System for “Garez I Partnery” (ÎÎÎ «Ãàðåç è ïàðòíåðû»)
Audition and renovation of access control system for “Garez I Partnery”
Security infrastructures for company “Kontakt” («Êîíòàêò»)
Completed clock house installation for company Kontakt…
Cable structures for company “SantekIST” («ÎÎÎ «ÑàíòåêÈÑÒ»)
We finished introducing structured cable system for “SantekIST”
Wi-Fi in restaurant “Tridevyatoe Tsarstvo” (Òðè-Äåâÿòîå Öàðñòâî) of company “Pechka” («Ïå÷êà»)
We finished mounting Wi-Fi network in restaurant “Tridevyatoe Tsarstvo” (Òðè-Äåâÿòîå Öàðñòâî) of company “Pechka” («Ïå÷êà»)
Complex works for compavy «Partner» («Ïàðòíåð»)
Completed complex works for company “Partner”. We performed design works, then SCS installation, and powering networks…
We completed works in preparation of cover documentary for SCS, powering network and lightning systems for company GAZORAZDELITELNIE SISTEMI
Works on cable network for company “Unistal” («Óíèñòàëü»)
Completion of renovation of SCS for company “Unistal”
Complex works for “Torgovy Dom Volkonsky” («Òîðãîâûé Äîì Âîëêîíñêèé»
We made the distributed access control system, and clock hour for employees, that works in remote objects of company.
SCS and Data processing center for “Stroyinvestinginiring SU-848” («Ñòðîéèíâåñòèíæèíèðèíã ÑÓ-848»)
Completed process of SCS installation and relocation of data processing center from 2 nd to 3rd floor of building.
We are happy to inform you about completion soon SCS installation and powering network for company “GAZORAZDELITELNIE SISTEMI”.
SCS for company “Respekt” (ÎÎÎ «Ðåñïåêò»)
Commissioned new structured cable system in office of company «Respekt»
Building of CCTV and wireless cable system for company «Marr Russia» («Ìàðð Ðóññèÿ»)
Completed installation of CCTV in warehouses of our long term customer – company “Marr Russia”