+7(495) 780-53-88

Comprehensive Integrated automation of enterprises

Integrated automation of business management - a necessary condition for the growth of its business credibility in today's market conditions. Indeed, just imagine how long it took to have your staff to ensure that, for example, to remember the day-to-day changing prices, manually enter it at the checkout by hand to produce a record of goods and customers. And this is only a very small part of the operations faced head business of any orientation. At the same time, the overall automation of enterprises makes it easy to reach many important goals: to simplify the execution of all transactions in goods and services, accelerate statements and other paperwork, save on staff to quickly update the database (for example, information about customers, suppliers), to minimize the percentage of emanating from the staff errors and abuses, etc. And finally, perhaps the most significant advantage of complex automation of enterprise management is the possibility of business planning, implementing the most flexible and effective strategies for action for the approval of your best competitive advantage in the market.

Integrated Automation of three Milestones

In short, the need to move towards an integrated control automation now - this is not an issue that is worth discussing the modern businessman. Another question is how to efficiently and safely carry out this transition. In this regard, the overall automation of the enterprise is a rather long and laborious process that can be divided into three distinct phases:

  • pre-treatment facility and means of automation
  • implementation of an automation project
  • Operation and maintenance of the automated system

Little prelude to more action

It is known that the introduction of any object is preceded by a pre-project study. First, the task of the system integrator will be a preliminary audit of the existing information systems and IT-services in order to develop a vision for their future development and harmonious interaction with preparing information product. Secondly - and this is more a problem of the customer - need to seriously analyze the existing enterprise business processes, because if they are far from ideal representation of the head, their automation will take place with minimal effect. Having dealt with these problems can begin drafting the terms of reference and the creation or selection of a software product, as well as its preliminary tests, during which the customer can make some changes in the functionality of the future system.

Implementation of an automated system - a crucial step on the path to prosperity

And then, finally, the system is ready for implementation, and the company's employees in their own way - with fear, awe or just skeptical - expect future changes. At this point, the action takes the second phase of a comprehensive automation of enterprise management - direct implementation of the system. He imagines the installation of the necessary equipment and software, configure it, concurrent access, installation of protection and other manipulations in accordance with customer requirements and current standards of information systems. And, of course, upon completion of all the works mentioned above shall be a new trial runs of the system - not in the field, and in the most realistic conditions.

Is it easy to be a member?

Operation of the automated system begins with a detailed training. It is necessary, first, to maximize the effectiveness of automation: employees must use functionality of the system exactly the way it was conceived and realized the head of the system integrator. Secondly, the errors caused by human factors are often fatal to the system: for example, interference with the software for some "headscarf", set by the operator during a smoke break can end term exit the wizard to resolve critical issues. "Understand" the same with the staff, System Integrator launches a model schedule of periodic activities aimed at maintaining a "battle" state. In addition, the responsibilities of the contractor performing the service system, as a rule, is charged with its support at the appropriate level of progress. After all, no matter how "smart" system was not, she can not keep up with the rapid growth of information technology and the inevitable rapid growth of automated enterprise. And who, no matter how the system integrator, especially if the company is itself a system designer will be able to offer the most effective solution for its modernization.

The company "Flylink" is ready to take on the work in accordance with all phases of complex automation of the enterprises. As a result, you become the owner of a reliable information system that fully supports the effective development of your business.


Cabling Systems.

Fiber Optic Lines.

Wireless Networks.

Powering and Lightning.

Security Systems.


Design and installation of SCS. SCS - professional building structured cabling systems. Corporate computer networks - the organization, laying, setting up, upgrading or repair.

Complex security systems - CCTV installation (video surveillance) and access control systems will improve the efficiency of a warehouse, cottage, office shop and other sectors of business.

WMS warehouse management system. Integrated WMS implementation of various infrastructures - access control, electric power, data centers, security systems, video surveillance, high-precision equipment ...

Our clients