Fiber Optic Lines (FOL)
Fiber Optic Lines (F.O.L.) – are innovative systems of data transfer via optic waveguides. Discover of optic fiber has went ahead of its time. Unlike the copper cables, transferring environment of fiber optic – is glass. The main advantages are high bandwidth and low loss. Optic fiber allows to transfer data at speed of 1Gb per second and 10Gb per second, depending on active equipment. Also it is not affected by magnetic fields!
Use of F.O.L.
Fiber Optic Lines can serve as SCS themselves, but in reality they are used mostly as external lines, while the internal subsystems are interconnected by ordinary copper cables. So fiber optic lines are used to for example connect different flours into one network, or different buildings. It has something to do with financial matter, fiber optic lines are still quite costly.
If professional approach is used, installation of FOL will integrate all customers work places into the single network with huge common resources. For example 1C account will work at high speed on every place. E-mails and all other software, like Internet data base and so on will work more efficient etc… Moreover having FOL will increase efficiency of local and external telephony, so FOL installation will make all business processes more efficient.
Advantages of Fiber Optic Lines Over Ordinary Copper Cables
The advantages of FOL are:
- Incredibly high bandwidth, FOL is able to transfer data at speed about several Terabites per second!
- Low decay of light flow (0.2-0.3dB at wavelength 1.55mkm for 1km) and low dispersion allows to lay fiber optic lines up to 100km without repeaters.
- Reliable transfer environment. FOL is chemically inert and not affected by moisture and magnetic fields
- Fire resistance. Due to absence of sparking fiber optic lines can easily be used in case of fire risky locations, like chemical laboratories etc.
- Information Security. Fiber optic Lines do not emanate any radio waves. This helps to keep data from being intercepted. So fiber optics can be used in locations with highest demands for security of data transfer (Banks, Security services etc…)
- Long term reliability. Thanks to the modern technologies, the fiber optic lines can serve up to 25 years.
- Lightweight. Diameter of fiber optic lines is 4 times smaller then ordinary copper cable
- Economy. Although FOL installation is more expensive then laying copper SCS lines. Ratio of Fiber Optic lines to ordinary is 2:5, but thanks to low decay, customer can save money on absence of repeaters. Repeaters needed when length is more then 100km, while in case of ordinary SCS – 10 km.
On the other hand customer will achieve all advantages of fiber optic lines, only if he address to professionals of highest qualification.
Before start fiber optic lines installation it is necessary to create design of future FOL network, and to include there all customer’s requirements. FOL design is based on technical requirements, that forms after object analysis and customer’s needs. Then installation starts. And also a lot of nuances must be taken in concern, like way of connecting the ends of optic cables It can be mechanical (gluing), and welding. Welding is much more reliable then gluing, but more difficult, and since it requires special equipment, more expensive.
Flylink company provides all kind of works to make fiber optic networks, that will serve at least 15 years. Please read testimonials from our customers, Regardless the difficulties of the tasks, and scale of future networks, our experts will carefully research every matter, and make the perfect design, and our installation team will provide you with the best installation, that will work for you for years!