SCS Maintenance
SCS maintenance – is the necessary process, that is needed even for ideally designed and made cable network. To guarantee customer best performance of equipment involved into the network, and reliability of the entire cable structure, it must be performed only by high qualified personnel. That is why we recommend to sign the agreement for SCS maintenance with company, that proves high reputation and have enough experience on the market of the system integration and IT technologies.
SCS Maintenance stages
It must be said that it is not necessary to sign maintenance agreement, repair can be done by any person, moreover today market is overloaded by companies and persons, who offer such service. But nevertheless, it is better to prevent sickness, then to heal it for long time. And SCS is not exception.
So what is SCS maintenance? The first points are:
- Consultation of customer and remote solution of tech issues in cooperation with local personnel
- In case of failure of remote solutions, our staff will visit the object
- SCS repair: repair of mechanical damage, fast recovering of cable system performance
- Checking of cable system on regular basic
- Selection, supply and installation of equipment that needed
- Renovation of other equipment in case of need
- On agreement renovation and modernization of SCS according to customer needs
- Education and training of personnel about features of new equipment and troubleshooting
Our experts provide technical support not only for projects performed by our company, but made by other integrators too. We offer agreement for maintenance and service for SCS of your company. Options of complete or partial repair and renovation are also available. It is useful of your company offers the seasons based service and there is no need to use SCS continuously. Our service is well known by a number of companies that uses SCS. FlyLink company represents competence, reliability, flexible prices and high efficiency in solving all sorts of issues with cable network.