Wireless networks Wi-Fi
Nowadays, it is said that information rules the world, and more and more people goes to the world wide web, and they needs Internet access at any time, and anywhere, and the first role is played by high-speed connection. That is why wireless data transfer systems get wide spread, and it must be noted that the most sophisticated in terms of technologies are the corporate wireless networks.
For today’s company network is like blood circulatory system, many business processes, and success of many contracts strongly depends on reliable network, any malfunction can lead into huge loses. And most companies puts a great attention to design of their network. Nowadays wireless network basically is an extension of traditional cable networks, that works to solve some specific tasks (e.g. manufacturing control, or inspection of technical transportation in the air terminals). Although there are ‘pure’ wireless networks, where all traffic comes via wireless connections. For example office of small company, with 10-15 laptops and one access port. Large wireless networks are usually integrated into existing cable systems.
Carefully design network is the base of reliable and safe work. Moreover while some mistakes in design of cable networks can be fixed, they can be fatal for wireless systems, even complete rebuilding with purchasing new equipment and dismantling of existing equipment is required sometimes to make the network work properly. Additional issues is that it deal with electro magnetic fields, and specially designed sophisticated and expensive equipment, hardware and software is required to perform measurements.
Wireless technology Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi – stands for Wireless Fidelity. Basically it is wireless network that can connect different mobile devices, like smart phones, lap tops etc… usually by using additional Wireless LAN equipment. Mostly it is used in places where it is difficult to mount cable network, like restaurants, hospitals, offices, warehouses, and big outlets.
Today most of wireless networks operates according to 802.11a/b/g standard, but some newly designed systems are based on new standard – 802.11n, that was accepted by IEEE just recently. Unlike cell phones, wireless equipment is able to work in any countries, and in any part of the world.
What does wireless network consists of?
It may look strange but from cables. Yes, unfortunately it is virtually impossible to get rid of cables. All data from wireless segment then goes to cable structure, and during design process together, with customer the “landing” point is chosen, usually it is server room, or connection center of the company. Then, depends on purpose, select the criteria that will be the base of further calculations. There are two main criteria: throughput of the network, and maximum coverage. Recently one more have appeared – wireless network for VoIP (VoWLAN).
After criteria selection the SiteSurvey process is performed. In other words investigation of radio situation on object. This includes signal level measurements in different points of structure, by using special equipment and software. Result of this process is full map, or so called heatmap of radio coverage for future network, on this map there are levels of the signal shown in colors.
Then comes selection of access ports and types of antennas, based on results of the previously mentioned measurements.
Why is it needed to work out SiteSurvey?
At first sign it looks like unnecessary to perform this sophisticated procedure, Just place the access ports on places where it is easier to mount and so on… But noone can trick physics.
If we follow this way and just mount the access ports in less amount, we will not get sufficient coverage, otherwise, of more then necessary then we will spoil the radio environment (will increase interference, noise etc…) So the conclusion is that SiteSurvey is necessary for estimation of amount of access ports.
SiteSurvey has two stages: pre-installation and post installation. First is needed to estimate coverage and amount and location of access ports. Post Installation is needed to test the network during commissioning and for future needs. In case of any issue it is easy to compare current situation with that was on commissioning moment.
Our company offers SiteSurvey for free, upon signing agreement for building sophisticated wireless network, and result of measurements (heatmap) will be added to cover technical documentation and passed to customer.