UPS Maintenance
Maintenance of uninterruptible power supply - the key to trouble-free, long-term operation of any elektrozavisimogo equipment belonging to automated systems within the unified information infrastructure of the object. After all, what would not seem reliable electricity grid, as it may be carefully designed and implemented, its dependence on centralized energy supply, which, as you know, is not stable, it can be a cruel joke, sometimes fraught with not only the restoration of a single engineering system, but the overhaul of the building. Not accidentally timely and competent service UPS is a requirement for efficient operation of the entire electrical system during its lifetime.
The order of service UPS
UPS service is carried out in accordance with all approved in this field official standards and unspoken rules significantly extend the service life and safe operation of both the source and protected them volatile equipment. At the same professional service involves the following list of major works:
- regular routine visual inspection of the UPS
- Check the settings and maintaining the overall health of the device
- operative travel specialist for troubleshooting
- measurements of voltage and other electrical parameters, comparing them with the limit values and recording information in a special register
- Timely replacement of UPS batteries and other "consumable" materials logging failures and the development of effective measures to reduce them
- advice on the operation of the UPS, etc.
Highlight from the above list the most important element is difficult: they generally provide the maximum safety of your equipment. Therefore UPS service is also often referred to as complex.
Indeed, any "nonsense", to which no attention was paid during the operation of the uninterruptible power supply may cause failure of the UPS at any time, while signing an agreement on maintenance of uninterruptible power supplies with a reliable company, you stop "sitting on a powder a barrel. " At the same time, the cost of a comprehensive service pay back with interest: it reliable operation bespereboynik really able to withdraw your information systems to a new level of productivity and efficiency.
Service contract for UPS with our experts - is competent and prompt resolution of any problems with uninterrupted power supply.