For all time of development of the Company we have organized more than 550 projects. Organized many small objects. Our desire to cooperate on partnership, mutually beneficial conditions with our customers allows us to build long-term and reliable relations for many years.
05.06.2013 Laying of copper cable in one of the branches of the bank for the company R-Style
Successfully completed subcontracting works for company "R-Style": our experts have finished the installation of structured cabling system in some bank in Moscow.
23.05.2013 Cabling systems for companies' international library of digital rights"and "Tematica"("Intelligence" Ltd.)
We have finished energy audit of electrical networks and installation of SCS for companies "Tematika" and "The International Library of digital rights”. The work was conducted at the business center on the 2nd and 3rd floors, and was turnkey with giving the detailed design documentation to the customer.
13.05.2013 Installation of equipment for air traffic control systems for two MGTES for "EnergoMaksGeneration" («ЭнергоМаксГенерация»)
The works for the "EnergoMaks Generation" company was completed - our experts have made a project of the complex dispatching information on two types of mobile gas turbine power plants.
07.05.2013 Installation of structured cabling networks and electrical systems for company "Rusaviainter" («Русавиаинтер»)
The new project was made by ourselves – it is SCS installation and supply network in the office of company "Rusaviainter."
11.04.2013 Making of security equipment for the company "Kupishuz" («Купишуз»)
In February our staff completed a major project to build the warehouses of the company "Kupishuz" CCTV and fire alarm systems. The warehouse was located at the airport Bikovo.
08.04.2013 Installation of SCS for «Red Echo» («Красное Эхо»)
We have finished cable networks for company "Red Echo" Gus Khrustalny, Vladimir region. The including three directions of our work was SCS, FOL and electric network.
06.03.2013 The modernization of ACS for the company ABC Insight (АБС «Инсайт»)
Realization of the project, involving the expansion of the access control system, introduced at the company ABC Insight. Our experts chose the Kodos and Elsys brands of ACS equipment. In addition, we installed locks, burglar alarms and other security equipment.
05.03.2013 The organization of fiber optic systems in the Digital Center ION
Our experts have completed a fiber optic broach for ION Digital Center, which invited the company "Flylink" to make it for their new office located in the office and shopping center «East Gate».
04.03.2013 A project of repair and configure of ACS to the Russian Agricultural Bank («Россельхозбанк»)
Our staff have finished repair of turnstile and software setup of ACS for our regular customers which is the company "Russian Agricultural Bank" (a subsidiary of the bank - TD "Agrotorg").
01.03.2013 Modernization of access control in a group of companies "Russian Business Systems"
Our regular customers - the company "Russian Business Systems" - invited our experts for a partial upgrade of one of the nodes in the alarm system. The contract included installation of button to opening the door of the Boss room from the remote control by radio.
28.02.2013 Modernization of video surveillance equipment in the company "Marr Russia» («Марр Руссия»)
As part of a new project for our regular customers - the company "Marr Russia» - we have replaced analog video surveillance to multi-functional IP one.
25.02.2013 Replacement of telephony and SCS in the company "AlyuTerra" («АлюТерра»)
Our experts have completed works for the company "AlyuTerra." As part of the agreement have been made new outlets’s settings of telephone network for working with the new patch panels, also we have integrated two SCS on different floors.
18.02.2013 Expansion of security systems for "Urenholt Logistics" («Уренхольт Логистикс»)
The company "Flylink" was invited for making project of monitoring systems for "Urenholt Logistics". Works with expanding the alarm, CCTV and access control have been successfully completed.
13.02.2013 Restoration work for the video monitoring system in the cinema complex "Baku" «Киноконцертный зал «Баку»)
During the repair of video monitoring system in the cinema "Baku" specialists of "Flylink" made the expansion of the depth of the video archive. Furthermore, in addition to the system we had installed burglar alarm.
11.02.2013 Expanding ACS for "KupiVip" («КупиВип»)
Our regular customers - the company "KupiVip" – invited us for ACS expansion. The project was completed in the shortest time and with minimal disruption to current business processes of the company.
08.02.2013 The attestation of the cable in Realkraft («Реалкрафт») company’s office
Work on testing SCS conformance with certification for cable category 5e has been made by our staff in the office of the Realkraft company in Voskresenskoe Vladimir region.
The analyzed SCS includes 84 ports. Upon completion of the work the customer got the complete set of documents.
27.12.2012 Creation SCS for secondary school number 209 (Moscow)
Socially oriented project of the cable infrastructure for 3 ports and 2 sockets was completed by our specialists in secondary school number 209 located in the city of Moscow Perov.
26.12.2012 Designing the LAN to the Moscow Metro
The project is a local network of 10 stations of the Moscow Metro was made by specialists of "Flylink." That network will serve as a link between the automatic system of medical control at health facilities and automated management of central communication hubs at Arbat, Kiev, Sokolniki, Bratislava, etc. metro stations. The new LAN will significantly reduce the time of medical examination of drivers before work and increase the processing speed of its results.
24.12.2012 Installation of SCS for restaurant "Etaj" («Этаж»)
SCS were installed in one of the restaurant of the restaurant chain "Etaj" located in the shopping center "Shangal" (Novogireevo metro station).
19.12.2012 Installation of SCS for the company UCS
The next project for the company UCS is completed by our experts on the eve of the New Year – it is SCS installation for the needs of one of the subordinate objects of the company – the service station owned by a world-known fast food chain.
18.12.2012 Recovery of cable networks for the company R-Style
Repair of SCS faults was made for company R-Style.
Segment fails SCS which responsible for the system of showing of exchange rate was due to a sharp decrease in winter temperatures, which led to freezing to the cable. This board has been restored in the short time.
15.12.2012 Formation of SCS for "Pramet" («Прамет», Czech Republic)
Completed the laying of the cable infrastructure with 80 ports in the building of the Moscow office of Pramet Ltd. (Czech Republic).
Our works was installation of cable, the installation and labeling of network equipment, cable certification for category 5e.
14.12.2012 Installation of fiber-optic lines for "Moscow Coffee on Shares" («Московская кофейня на паяхъ»)
Fiber-optic backbone, which is over 600 meters has been completed by our experts at the company "Moscow Coffee on Shares" in the village Tuchkovo Moscow region. Also we have installed the network equipment. FOL connected four manufacturing plant building to a common LAN.
11.12.2012 Welding work on fiber optics lines for the company "Electrostroy" («Электрострой»)
Our experts worked with more than 200 optical fibers of the FOL in high-rise building construction company "Electrostroy." Also we were taken measurements and created full of customer documentation.
10.12.2012 Laying of fiber-optic cable for refueling of Moscow International Domodedovo Airport (Московский Международный аэропорт «Домодедово»)
Complete installation of FOL for refueling department of the Moscow International Domodedovo Airport – the company Domodedovo Fuel Services.
Fiber optic length of 300 meters will be used to high-speed and smooth communication between the office building and a warehouse of fuels and lubricants.
23.11.2012 Organization of a wireless cable network for "ConsID Resheniya" («Консид Решения»)
The specialists of "Flylink" have made wireless infrastructure in the warehouses of the company «ConsID Solutions" in Pavlovsky Posad Moscow region.
22.11.2012 Repair of telephone network for Rostiks-KFC in Odintsovo (the company UCS)
Completed repair of telephone network in the restaurant owned by one of the restaurant network Rostiks-KFC. The main customer is the company UCS. The building was in Odintsovo, Moscow Region.
21.11.2012 Fusion Splicers for "NPP Akvatok" (НПП «Акваток»)
Splicing by welding for "NPP Akvatok" was carried out in accordance with all technical requirements and deadlines. The works were carried out in the south tower of MIBC "Moscow-City".
20.11.2012 Repair of ACS for the holding "Volkonsky" («Волконский»)
We have successfully finished repair of ASC which installed on one of the objects of the baking network "Volkonsky."
19.11.2012 Cable Infrastructure for the warehouses of Samsung
Specialists of "Flylink" have finished work with SCS based on copper cable for the new warehouse belonging to the "Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga (SERK)».