R-Style Ltd.
The company "R-Style" is a high-quality complete services in the field of system integration and automation of medium and large businesses. The main areas of activity are the audit of the enterprises, the supply of software and computer hardware, installation of LAN, implementing technical security systems, service and support of embedded products, etc.
"International Library of digital rights" Ltd. ("Intelligence")
Company "International Library of digital rights" is one of the leading makers of databases and information resources, it also provides retail trading activities and financial transactions over computer networks.
"EnergoMaks Generation" Company
Engineering company "EnergoMaks Generation" provides complete turnkey services for construction of Energy as the EPC and EPCM contractor. It’s the management of the construction, engineering, supply of equipment, etc.
ZAO "Rusaviainter" («Ðóñàâèàèíòåð»)
The company "Rusaviainter", which opened in 2003, is the leading Russian developer and manufacturer of serial interiors and exclusive solutions for the aviation industry needs. A high level of comfort for passengers and compliance with international standards - the distinctive features of the company.
"Kupishuz» Ltd. (Lamoda.ru)
The company "Kupishuz" is the leading online retailers of clothing, shoes and accessories from known brands. Visiting this web-shop guarantees you a fascinating journey into the world of haute couture and pret-a-porter.
Business Center "Arbat" («Àðáàò») (ABC Insight)
Business Center "Arbat" which is located in the immediate vicinity of the historic character of Moscow - Old Arbat Street, and is a comfortable and stylish space for business conferences, meetings and other events of VIP-class.
ION Digital Center
ION Digital Center is an extensive retail network of 90 stores offering a wide range of mobile electronics. The center employs highly qualified consultants who not only choose the most appropriate device to meet the client's needs, but also will set up all the necessary functions for their efficient work.
The company "AlyuTerra" («ÀëþÒåððà»)
The company "AlyuTerra" is the exclusive designer and manufacturer of metal, aluminum and wood, ventilated facades and other innovative designs in facade construction.
Cinema and Concert Complex "Baku" («Áàêó»)
The cinema "Baku" is cozy and modern islet of culture in the north of the Moscow city, it was built by talented architects from Baku and are equipped with the latest modern technology and the field of film distribution. Here are the Operetta Theatre, children's entertainment center, it often organizes creative meetings with well-known cultural figures.
Company Realkraft («Ðåàëêðàôò»)
The company Realkraft (n. Voskresenskoe Vladimir region) successfully operates in the design and construction of modern technology.
Moscow International Domodedovo Airport (Ìîñêîâñêèé Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé Àýðîïîðò «Äîìîäåäîâî») (Fuel Services)
Company Domodedovo Fuel Services runs the daily 250-350 aircraft and is the official refueling unit of the Moscow International Domodedovo Airport. The main objective of the complex is a timely and safe filling in accordance with the requirements of international quality standards.
The company "Electrostroy" («Ýëåêòðîñòðîé»)
The specialization of Moscow construction company "Electrostroy" is the installation of plumbing and heating installations, as well as electrical installation work "turnkey".
"Moscow Coffee on shares" («Ìîñêîâñêàÿ êîôåéíÿ íà ïàÿõú»)
The company "Moscow Coffee on Shares" was created in 1997 and now it is one of the leaders in the production of ground and instant coffee. The plant in Tuchkovo was opened in 2004 and is the first coffee-producing enterprise of a full cycle in Eastern Europe.
Moscow Metro (Ìîñêîâñêèé Ìåòðîïîëèòåí)
The Moscow Metro was founded in 1935 and since it is the basis of urban transport system, taking on more than 9 million passengers daily (more than 56 percent from all Moscow passenger traffic) and more than 10 000 trains. 12 subway lines have more than 311 kilometers total length.
The company "Pramet" («Ïðàìåò»)
The company "Pramet" successfully develops, manufactures and markets cutting tool of high quality carbide. The company has offices in 9 countries, and the geography of consumers is beyond the 50 countries. Also they have completed construction of a branch office in Ukraine.
Network of city restaurants "Etaj" («Ýòàæ»)
"Etaj" is not just the name of a popular restaurant network, but also it’s really cozy house where you can have a snack with pleasure, make dating, talk with friends or colleagues, looking at the city in a new way of soft music, popular kitchen masterpieces from more than seven countries in the world and, of course, coffee.
SEI school ¹ 209
High school ¹209 is a friendly and highly professional teaching staff and a variety of classes, from traditional to high-school living eventful school life, full of all sorts of extra-curricular activities, excursions, sports and other educational and recreational activities.
UK “RVM Kapital” (ÓÊ «ÐÂÌ Êàïèòàë»)
UK «RVM Kapital» - is team of more then 60 experts, who works on investments and financial trust control located in closed mutual funds.
Company “ConsID Resheniya” («ConsID Ðåøåíèÿ»)
Company “ConsID Resheniya” offers reliable and effective software and hardware solutions on business automation systems for warehouses and documentary process.
Company UCS
Company UCS has started in 1992 as software manufacturer for restaurants automation and took a leadership on the market, successfully competitive with world manufacturers. This company is known for its original system R-Keeper TM version1.
Company “OOO “NPP Akvatok” (ÎÎÎ «ÍÏÏ «Àêâàòîê»
Company NPP “Akvatok” – leading design manufacturer for aquaculture organizations. Expirience in collaboration with such a big companies like “Lososevy Riborazvodny Zavod” lets it offer high quality engineering solutions for any organization.
Bakery and confectionary network “Volkonsky” («Ñåòü ïåêàðåí è êîíäèòåðñêèõ «Âîëêîíñêèé»)
Volkonsky – is the first bakery in Russia that supports historical bakery traditions, and uses only natural components. Company offers more then 100 kinds of different bakings and confectioneries.
Company “Sitronics Mikroelektronika”
One of the largest exporter and manufacturer of microelectronics, company Sitronics Mikroelektronika (ÎÀÎ «ÍÈÈÌÝ è Ìèêðîí» «Ñèòðîíèêñ Ìèêðîýëåêòðîíèêà»)
Company “Baltinvestbank” («Áàëòèíâåñòáàíê»)
Baltinvestbank started in 1994 as Baltoneksim Bank, then in 2003 was rebranded and restructured. Today Baltinvestbank – one of the largest and most respected banks in Russia.
Night Club “KM19
Club “Kuznetsky Most 19” (“KM19”) was created by famous restaurateur from France Jean-Michelle, in nineties, and is well known and favorite place for those who do not sleep at nights.
Confectionery “Udarnitsa” («Óäàðíèöà»)
Started in 1929 confectionery Udarnitsa – keeps traditions and offers all sorts of confectionery of highest quality, more then 50 different products most of them are well known and favorite, like “Limonnie Dolki”, Zephir v Shokolade”, “Klukva v Sakhare” etc.
Company “Adgilent Technologies”
Company has appeared in 1999 after reorganization of Hewlett-Packard corporation, resulted in creation of two independent companies HP and Adgilent. Today Adgilent Technologies is one of the world-leading manufacturers of measurement and analysis equipment.
Company “OOO “Russkie Bizness Sistemi” (ÎÎÎ “Ðóññêèå Áèçíåñ Ñèñòåìû”)
Company “OOO “Russkie Bizness Sistemi” works with state institutions, business structures and industrial organizations, offers full range of consulting regarding automation of business processes. Also it includes interests in communication systems, system integration, and communication equipment manufacturing and software development.
Company “OOO “SAMP K” (ÎÎÎ «ÑÀÌÏ Ê»)
Company has started in 2005, as manufacturer of individual heating system and outdoors heating systems. Company offers full range of development, from design and mounting to commissioning and tech support.
Company “OOO GK Sapfir” («ÎÎÎ ÃÊ Ñàïôèð»)
Company “OOO GK Sapfir” more then 14 years works on the car cosmetics market, and cosmetics chemistry, and automobile accessories. It has more then 30 factories in Russia, Chech Republic, Germany, Canada, USA, and China, that produces high quality certified products.
Company “OOO “Krasnoe Ekho”
Company “Krasnoe Ekho” (town Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir region) produces typical and exclusive glass bottles and containers for all sorts of products: juices, milk, honey, jam, kids food etc. Also company makes preforms of alloyed and cast iron, for glass containers production.
Company “Impuls Grupp” (ÎÎÎ «Èìïóëüñ Ãðóïï»)
For several years company “Impuls Grupp” successfully sales equipment and components for milk, vine, beer production by world wide known manufacturers like VELO, S.p.A., IMPIANTINOX S.r.L., SFOGGIAtech etc.
Company Alliance Healthcare Russia
Alliance Healthcare Russia – is large network of European brand Alliance Boots – leader in manufacturing of beauty and healthcare products. It has subsidiaries in more then 50 Russian regions.
Holding “Privat Treid” (Shopping club KupiVip.ru)
Company “Privat Treid” (shopping club KupiVip.ru) – is one of the biggest company, which works on the virtual shopping market. Closed shopping club annually attracts more then 10 thousands of new brands for members of community.
Topkon Positioning Systems (ÎÎÎ «Òîïêîí Ïîçèøèîíèíã Ñèñòåìñ»)
One of the leading manufacturers of measurers of all kinds. Having modern advanced technologies that matches all the standards also company Topkon Positioning Systems to make meters of highest quality.
Group of companies “Azimut” (Ãðóïïà êîìïàíèé Àçèìóò)
Azimut produces high precision electronics for air terminals, different airlines and other special customers. Also it works on designs of electricity counting systems, outdoor lightning control systems, hydro and heat supply systems control etc…
Company “ANO PO KSI” («ÀÍÎ ÏÎ ÊÑÈ»)
FlyLink performed Fiber optic lines mounting for ANO PO KSI, in very tight schedule. All works were performed in one day!
Transportation Company Group ST
Moscow company Group ST is well known on the market of transportation service. It offers high quality transportation of any kind of transport, insurance, immediate delivery…
Company “OAO Meditsina” («ÎÀÎ Ìåäèöèíà»)
Hospital “Meditsina” – one of eldest and respected healthcare institution in Moscow, and Russia. Started by group of enthusiasts, by 2007 it became member of prestigious association “Leading Clinics of Switzerland”
Cottege village “Klyazminskoe Vodokhranilishche” («Êëÿçüìèíñêîå âîäîõðàíèëèùå»)
Attractive location, pure air, beautiful nature, closed to water makes village “Klyazminskoe Vodokhranilishche” super attractive for tourists, and for investors as well.
Company “OOO Impuls” («ÎÎÎ Èìïóëüñ»)
Company Impulse is more then 15 years works on production and mountings of metal.
Concern Adidas
Legendary German company Adidas, for many years is setting standards in sportswear, and accessories.
Company Johnson Controls
For years company Johnson Controls supplies automobile electronics, and all sort of engineering systems. The company has more then 100 years history behind.
Company Samsung Electronics
Samsung has more then 70 years of leadership in manufacturing of electronics. By the year 2020 it intends to enroll the top five world largest brands. Flylink performed all works on design and mounting of SCS and wireless on territory of plant “Samsung Electronics RUS Kaluga” (SERK) located in Kaluga region. Nowadays 100% of TVs and monitors sold in Russia is manufactured there.
Company “Mango Telecom”
Mango Telecom works as communication provider from year 2000 and has dozen thousand subscribers, among them are big Russian companies like RIA Bank, Brillianty Yakutii, Maksvell Bank, Asia Kofe are only a few to mention.
Company “OAO Rossijsky Selskokhozyaistvenny Bank” (ÎÀÎ «Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåëüêîõîçÿéñòâåííûé áàíê»)
Company “OAO Rossijsky Selskokhozyaistvenny Bank” was started in the year 2000 and now is leader of Russian banking system, it stands in top 3 leaders.
Company “Rostelecom” («Ðîñòåëåêîì»)
Company is well known Russian leader in telephony and Internet market. It has more then 100 million subscribers.
Trade Center “Alvisa” (ÎÎÎ «Òîðãîâûé Äîì «Àëâèñà»)
Trade center “Alvisa” is part of Group of companies “Alvisa” and is one of the largest distributor of cognacs, vermouths, and wines, and contains three manufacturers “Mineralovodsky Zavod Vinogranikh Vin” («ÎÎÎ «Ìèíåðàëîâîäñêèé çàâîä âèíîãðàäíûõ âèí»), Stavropolsky Vinno-konjachny Zavod (ÇÀÎ «Ñòàâðîïîëüñêèé âèííî-êîíüÿ÷íûé çàâîä») and “Alcoholes Vinos C A” (Spain)
Moscow Classical Institute of E.R.Dashkova (Ìîñêîâñêèé Ãóìàíèòàðíûé Èíñòèòóò èìåíè Å. Ð. Äàøêîâîé)
Moscow Classical Institute of E.R.Dashkova was established in 1992 and is high respected as best Russian commercial institute, known for its high level of education. Its graduates makes successful careers in the chosen branch.
Company “Uhrenholt-Logistics” (ÎÎÎ «Óðåíõîëüò-ëîãèñòèêñ»)
Company “Uhrenholt-Logistics” – is part of Danish holding Uhrenholt – exclusive supplier of seafood and meats dairy products to hotels, restaurants and retail networks.
Company “ZAO TAVR” («ÇÀÎ «ÒÀÂл)
Our experts has mounted two fiber optic lines and telephony for ZAO TAVR (village Anikovo, Moscow region
Company “Severstal-infokom” («ÎÀÎ «Ñåâåðñòàëü-èíôîêîì»)
Company “Severstal-infokom” – team of experts in IT and communication technologies. Its aim is to provide best high-tech service.
Neuroses Clinic by Z.P. Soloviev
Hospital N8 by Z. V. Soloviev – one of the largest clinics in Russia which specializes on neurosis and mental disorder prohylaxis.
Company “Krasivaya Zemlya” («Êðàñèâàÿ çåìëÿ»)
Company “Krasivaya Zemlya” works on real estate market, and holds leadership on parcels market in Kaluga region.
Company Alliance Healthcare Russia
Alliance Healthcare Russia – is large network of European brand Alliance Boots – leader in manufacturing of beauty and healthcare products. It has subsidiaries in more then 50 Russian regions.
Savage – is the only brand that is able to offer its customers the widest range of high quality clothes, and accessories of modern design and style.
Bell Integrator
Company Bell Integrator was started in year 1999. For more then 10 years history company gained success in IT services, because it offers service of highest standards and professionalism.
Energogazinginiring («Ýíåðãîãàçèíæèíèðèíã»)
Closed joint stock company Energogazinginiring is part of big holding that supplies engineering solutions for oil and gas industry.
“Aukzionny Dom “Imperiya” («ÎÎÎ «Àóêöèîííûé Äîì «Èìïåðèÿ»)
Company “Aukzionny Dom “Imperiya” was established in September of 2008. The main interests are phaleristics and numismatics of Russia Empire, has something to do with our own preferences and experience in collecting.
Klub Nositeley Yazika ("Êëóá íîñèòåëåé ßçûêà")
Klub Nositeley Yazika – is international team of language teachers – native speakers from different countries from all over the globe.
AB “ORGRESBANK” – was established in August 1994. Having huge experience in financial operations, it successful meets customers needs.
GK “STiS” («ÃÊ «ÑÒèÑ»)
GK “STiS”- leader on the Russian market of glass windows. It produces window glass of different types.
“Rosinvestproekt” («ÐÎÑÈÍÂÅÑÒÏÐÎÅÊÒ»)
“Rosinvestproekt” – was started as multipurpose financial organization that was to attract investments, making investments projects and control all the project stages.
Company “Adecco”
Adecco – is world leader in human resources, has more then 6600 offices in all the world. Adecco is world expert in recruitment.
Company “Grasis” («ÃÐÀÑÈÑ»)
Company Grasis CIS manufacturer of gas separation equipment of all used three technologies: membrane, adsorption, and cryogenic.
Company “SPIRIT-Telekom” («ÑÏÈÐÈÒ-Òåëåêîì»)
Company SPIRIT Telekom is part of group of companies “SPIRIT” – works on original designs and licensing of high-tech software.
“Stroyingbeton” («Ñòðîéèíæáåòîí»)
Limited Liability Company “Stroyingbeton” makes all sort of concrete blends and solutes that used in construction.
Alt-Pak Company (ÎÎÎ «Àëüò-Ïàê»)
Alt-Pak Company is one of the leaders on the market of packing materials in Russia, it has very respected image of reliable business partner.
NPF “Gidromatik” (ÍÏÔ «ÃÈÄÐÎÌÀÒÈÊ»)
NPF “Gidromatik” – has huge experience in system integration, design, and introduction of automation and control systems.
SK Kapital Rezerv (ÑÊ "Êàïèòàë - Ðåçåðâ")
SK Kapital Rezerv was started on August 22 in the year 2002, and works on the insurance market for more then 10 years. Legal capital is more then 30 million rubles.
Internet portal Plastic-Online was created to help organization to introduce different programs using plastic cards.
OTMK – works on promotion of different metal that is produced on the steel factory of Oskol.
Company “GEFCO”
GEFCO – is in top 9 European logistics companies.
Company “Avia-Media” (ÎÎÎ «Àâèà-Ìåäèà»)
Avia-Media – works on converting all types of documentary both into electronic form on all aircraft.
IVM Company (ÎÎÎ «ÀéÂèÝì»)
IVM – is modern company that works on market of light-diods panels and displays.
“SAK Energogarant” (ÑÀÊ «ÝÍÅÐÃÎÃÀÐÀÍÒ»)
SAK Energogarant – is well known insurance company, that offers all sort of insurance programs.
“Evroset” («Åâðîñåòü»)
Company Evroset – one of the largest company in Russia that distributes cell phones and other modern communication technologies.
BANANA-MAMA – is network of stores of children’s products. The stuff is about 2250 employees.
“Inzhglobal” (ÎÎÎ "ÈÍÆÃËÎÁÀË")
Inzhglobal – big company that works on modern construction market.
Company ANVOK is official dealer and successfully cooperates with suppliers of engineering solutions for buildings.
ZAO “RG Grupp” (ÇÀÎ "ÐÃ Ãðóïï")
RG Grupp – is freight forwarding company, that can forward your parcel anywhere in the world.
Topkon Positioning Systems (ÎÎÎ «Òîïêîí Ïîçèøèîíèíã Ñèñòåìñ»)
Topkon Positioning Systems was one of the first company that became successful on the Russian IT market.
Company “Nitek” («Íèòýê»)
Production and warehouse center Nitek located in North-West part of town Khimki, and has about 3000 sq. meters area. Also company specializes on corks production.
Company “Rinekom” («ÎÎÎ «Ðèíåêîì»)
Company “Rinekom” – is distributor of several European manufacturers of modern clothes of every style.
Company “Marafon” («Ìàðàôîí»)
Marafon – is big bookmaker, which has more then 2550 employees, and has 593 offices in 236 towns throughout CIS.
NORDMARINE company is distributor of motor yachts and boats of premium class. One of the main aims of this company is to meet needs of customers of different income level.
Company “4YOU”
Company 4YOU distributes clothes of its own trademark “4YOU”, by working as “shop in shop” in different stores and outlets.
Company “ITRAKO”
German company ITRAKO produces modern equipment and expendable materials for polygraphy, and packing, and labeling production.
“Gloriya Plus” («Ãëîðèÿ ïëþñ»)
Gloriya Plus – is high class bakery. On production it uses unique technology by French baker Eric Kayser.
Company “Promsvetsnab” («Ïðîìñâåòñíàá»)
Promsvetsnab works on wholesales of lightning equipment, low voltage equipment and electric tools.
Café Matiss («Ìàòèññ»)
Café Matiss – elegant style, designed by Jean Michelle Kosnue, excellent coffee and cooking!
Restaurant “Khodja Nasreddin” («Õîäæà Íàñðåääèí»)
Khodja Nasreddin– is second Uzbek restaurant dedicated to Nasreddin Hodja. Here you will see elegant interior reminds about town Bukhara, excellent menu have a lot of national Uzbek dishes, and also there are a lot of types of different drinks.