UK «RVM Kapital» - is team of more then 60 experts, who works on investments and financial trust control located in closed mutual funds.
Company “Baltinvestbank” («Балтинвестбанк»)
Baltinvestbank started in 1994 as Baltoneksim Bank, then in 2003 was rebranded and restructured. Today Baltinvestbank – one of the largest and most respected banks in Russia.
Company “OOO “Russkie Bizness Sistemi” (ООО “Русские Бизнес Системы”)
Company “OOO “Russkie Bizness Sistemi” works with state institutions, business structures and industrial organizations, offers full range of consulting regarding automation of business processes. Also it includes interests in communication systems, system integration, and communication equipment manufacturing and software development.
Company “OAO Rossijsky Selskokhozyaistvenny Bank” (ОАО «Российский Селькохозяйственный банк»)
Company “OAO Rossijsky Selskokhozyaistvenny Bank” was started in the year 2000 and now is leader of Russian banking system, it stands in top 3 leaders.
“Aukzionny Dom “Imperiya” («ООО «Аукционный Дом «Империя»)
Company “Aukzionny Dom “Imperiya” was established in September of 2008. The main interests are phaleristics and numismatics of Russia Empire, has something to do with our own preferences and experience in collecting.
AB “ORGRESBANK” – was established in August 1994. Having huge experience in financial operations, it successful meets customers needs.
“Rosinvestproekt” («РОСИНВЕСТПРОЕКТ»)
“Rosinvestproekt” – was started as multipurpose financial organization that was to attract investments, making investments projects and control all the project stages.
SK Kapital Rezerv (СК "Капитал - Резерв")
SK Kapital Rezerv was started on August 22 in the year 2002, and works on the insurance market for more then 10 years. Legal capital is more then 30 million rubles.
Complex security systems - CCTV installation (video surveillance) and access control systems will improve the efficiency of a warehouse, cottage, office shop and other sectors of business.