SCS Pricing
Since SCS building is quite a complex task, pricing approach is individual for every project. So price for SCS contains only list and prices of equipment and mounting. Total cost of project is formed according to the following factors:
- Distinctive features of object ( kind of building, cable laying options etc…)
- Network features (computers network, telephony, wireless etc…)
- Amount of workplaces and ports
- Possible issues and problems in mounting (e.g. working at high altitude requires elevators etc…)
- Kind of selected equipment
- In some cases time limits (urgency)
So, once customer has the detailed plan of his object, that gives information about area, architectural features of rooms, type of walls, ceiling and floors, amount of workplaces, and has clear understanding about location and amount of ports, it will help engineer to calculate the total cost fast and effective. Also we work with designs made by other companies.
SCS Pricing and project features
So you decided that you need to have SCS. As mentioned above total cost depends on a number of factors: the most significant among them is cost of SCS installation itself (mounting, drilling penetrations in walls, disassembling and reassembling of ceilings and floors, laying cable channels, corrugated channels, installation of equipment racks, ports etc.) Price of that work highly depends on amount of “obstacles”, and way of solving this. For example, cutting slots right in walls is much more expensive and time consuming way then laying cable on the surface. Another important factor is decoration. To fit all the cable channels perfectly into interior of customers office, it is needed to use decorative elements, like angle pieces, boxes etc.
Total cost of SCS depends on the following factors:
- Cost of making the design, and validating it in responsible institutions
- Cost of equipment, selection and budgeting
- Cost of mounting itself, testing procedures, commissioning, professional certification, and validation of SCS
Equipment and components selection
It is to be noted that perfectly made SCS design takes in concern all possible options for further growth and modernization, like having enough room for additional cables, reliability of equipment that works for current time, and also compatibility with devices that would be added in the future. Also we would like to note that equipment provided by world leading manufacturers has perfect technical rates, and reliability, but the price is far from being low.
By the way, it is possible to save money on equipment while remaining performance and reliability the same. Just trust in our experts, they can turn drawbacks of “low-budget” equipment into advantages, by perfect location and setting up connections between them.
FlyLink company gives customers the perfect balance between SCS pricing and SCS performance. Our engineers will be happy and will apply equal approach to the projects starts from 500k Russian rubles, and for the upmarket designs of any kind. Moreover, total cost of SCS always includes all the warranties, and support. To discuss your design please contact our engineers.